Friday, February 28, 2025

The Chaplet of Seven Joys & Sorrows of St. Joseph


Even in the early Church, holy men like St. John Chrysostom described St. Joseph in terms of a life that was filled with both sorrows and joys. However, it is said that this particular devotion of seven sorrows & joys can be traced to sometime in the Middle Ages, involving an incident with two Franciscan priests traveling in a ship along the Belgium coast. A storm hit, sinking the ship, and for three days and three nights, the two priests clung to a plank, praying to St. Joseph. At some point, St. Joseph appeared to the priests, guided them to safety, and taught them the practice of reciting seven Our Fathers and seven Hail Mary's in honor of his Seven Sorrows and Seven Joys.

As the devotion grew, Venerable Gennaro Sarnelli (1702-1744) and others formalized this into a chaplet with meditations. Over the years, various popes such as Popes Pius VII, Gregory XVI, Pius IX, and Pius XI, have attached indulgences to this particular devotion. Traditionally, the Chaplet of the Sorrows and Joys of Saint Joseph are prayed on Wednesdays, or can be said on a series of seven consecutive Sundays



Sign of the Cross: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.  Amen.

Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my great protector, Saint Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to your protection, or implored your aid without obtaining relief. Confiding therefore in your goodness, I come before you. Do not turn down my petitions, foster father of the Redeemer, but graciously hear and answer them. Amen.


1) THE INCARNATION (Mt 1:19-20)

St. Joseph, chaste spouse of Mary, great was your sorrow when, upon finding Mary was pregnant, you decided to quietly divorce her. But great was your joy when an angel reassured you of God’s plan to take Mary as your wife. By this sorrow and joy, we ask you to relieve us of all anxieties and doubts about our future and fill our hearts with confidence in the powerful protection of God and His angels.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…Glory...


2) BIRTH OF JESUS (Lk 2:7, 10-11)

St. Joseph, chosen foster father of the Word made flesh, great was your sorrow at seeing the Child Jesus born in such poverty. But great was your joy when you beheld the heavenly choirs of angels and the adoring visits from the shepherds and Magi. By this sorrow and joy, we implore you to obtain for us the grace to have the Infant Jesus born again in our hearts and that, blessed with the sweet peace of God, we may join you after our death in the joyful company of the angels.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…Glory...



St. Joseph, faithful to the law of God, great was your sorrow at the sight of the Precious Blood that was shed by the Infant Savior during His circumcision. But great was your joy when you gave Him the Holy Name of Jesus that would bring salvation to sinners. By this sorrow and joy, obtain for us the grace to be freed from all sin during life, and to die rejoicing with the Holy Name of Jesus in our hearts and on our lips.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…Glory...



St. Joseph, great was your sorrow when you heard Simeon's prophecy of the future sufferings of Jesus and Mary. But great was your joy when Anna praised Jesus as the Messiah and Simeon foretold that Jesus would be the Light for the revelation to the gentiles and the glory of His people. By this sorrow and joy, we pray that we may see our salvation, in Jesus, and praise and thank God for the grace of a happy death.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…Glory...


5) FLIGHT INTO EGYPT (Mt 2:14, Is. 19:1)

St. Joseph, watchful guardian of the Infant Jesus, great was your sorrow when, obeying the voice of the angel, you fled to Egypt with Mary and your foster son. But great was your joy to have God Himself with you and to see the idols of the Egyptians fall prostrate before Him. By this sorrow and joy, I pray that you help us to banish from our heart all sinful habits or idols so that Jesus and Mary may come and lead our soul to Heaven.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…Glory...


6) RETURN FROM EGYPT (Mt 2:22, Lk 2:39-51)

St. Joseph, head and guardian of the Holy Family, great was your sorrow when, upon the return from Egypt, you learned that cruel Archelaus was reigning in Judea. But great was your joy when you were directed to Nazareth where you lived peacefully with Jesus and Mary. By this sorrow and joy, we pray that you assist us in overcoming all attacks of the evil spirits so we may die peacefully under the special protection of Jesus and Mary.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…



St. Joseph, patron of the dying, great was your sorrow when through no fault of your own, you lost the Child Jesus for three days. But great was your joy when you found Him in the Temple. By this sorrow and joy, we pray that you help us to not lose our Savior for all eternity, but to find Him in the Eucharist and the temple of our hearts, especially at the hour of our death.

Pray 1 Our Father… and 1 Hail Mary…Glory...


Concluding Prayer: O God, Who in Your ineffable Providence chose Blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Your most holy Mother, grant, we beseech You, that he whom we venerate as our protector on earth, may be our intercessor in Heaven. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.


 To pray this chaplet on Sundays is an indulgenced practice under the usual rules for any indulgence and follow such method:

FIRST SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion to thanks St. Joseph the helps he gave to Jesus and Mary, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory that in life loved more to St. Joseph. After we pray the chaplet.

SECOND SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion to thanks St. Joseph the graces he gave to us with his intercession, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory that in life loved more the Holy Family. After we pray the chaplet.

THIRD SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion to the conversions of the Church’s enemies, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory that in life loved more the Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. After we pray the chaplet.

FOURTH SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion to God the Father, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory that in life worked more for to propagate the devotion to St. Joseph. After we pray the chaplet.

FIFTH SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion for the grace to love Jesus with all heart, mind, and soul, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory of the missionaries. After we pray the chaplet.

SIXTH SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion for the needs of the Pope, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory that in life where named after St. Joseph. After we pray the chaplet.

SEVENTH SUNDAY – we will offer the Holy Communion to St. Joseph concede us the grace of do with fruits this devotion throughout our lives, offering the indulgence to the souls in Purgatory that in life prayed this devotion. After we pray the chaplet. 






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