The Salutations were written by M. Jean-Jacques Olier (1608-1657).
I - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be your soul, which was adorned with all the virtues and gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Glory Be
II - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be your mind, which was full of the most sublime knowledge of God and enlightened with revelations.
Glory Be
III - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be your will, which was aflame with love for Jesus and Mary and always perfectly abandoned to the divine will.
Glory Be
IV - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be your eyes, to which it was granted to look continually upon Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
V - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be your ears, which merited to hear the words of Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
VI - O St. Joseph, ever blessed be your tongue, which continually praised God and with profound humility and reverence conversed with Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
VII - O chaste St. Joseph, ever blessed be your most pure and loving heart, with which you ardently loved Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
VIII - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be your thoughts, words and actions, each and all of which always tended to the service of Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
IX - O holy Joseph, ever blessed be all the moments of your life, which you spent in the service of Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
X - O glorious St. Joseph, ever blessed be that moment in which you most peacefully died in the arms of Jesus and Mary.
Glory Be
XI - O glorious St. Joseph, ever blessed be that moment in which you entered into the eternal joys of heaven.
Glory Be
XII - O St. Joseph, ever blessed in eternity be the incomprehensible bliss of union with God, with Jesus and Mary that you enjoy together with all the saints of heaven.
Glory Be
XIII - Great protector! Be ever blessed by me and by all creatures, for all eternity, with all the blessings given you by the Most Holy Trinity, Mary and the whole Church.
Glory Be
XIV - O holy Joseph, blessed in soul and in body, in life and in death, on earth and in heaven, obtain also for me, a sinner, but nevertheless your true and faithful follower, a share in your blessings, the grace to imitate you ardently, the grace to love and faithfully serve Jesus, Mary and yourself, and especially the happiness of dying in your holy arms.
Glory Be
Conclude with the Salutations to St. Joseph:
I salute you, Joseph, image of God the Father.
I salute you, Joseph, reputed father of God the Son.
I salute you, Joseph, sanctuary of the Holy Spirit.
I salute you, Joseph, beloved of the Most Blessed Trinity.
I salute you, Joseph, spiritual father of the faithful.
I salute you, Joseph, guardian of virginal souls.
I salute you, Joseph, model of patience and gentleness.
I salute you, Joseph, mirror of humility and obedience.
I salute you, Joseph, protector of the holy Church.
Blessed are the eyes which have seen what you have seen.
Blessed are the ears which have heard what you have heard.
Blessed are the hands which touched the Word Incarnate.
Blessed are your arms which carried Him who carries all things.
Blessed are your arms in which the Son of God quietly rested.
Blessed is your heart, which, on the heart of Jesus, was inflamed with ardent love.
Blessed be the Eternal Father, who chose you for so sublime a dignity.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, who sanctified you in so marvelous a manner.
Blessed be Mary, your spouse, who loved you as her spouse and brother.
Blessed be the angel who guarded you on earth.
Blessed forever be all who venerate and love you.
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